Snyder’s of Hanover’s “Pretzels, Baby” Campaign
Barton F. Graf

Snyder's of Hanover charged Barton with creating an ownable campaign reestablishing pretzels as the no-nonsense snack that's been around—since forever—and not going anywhere.

Roger was instrumental in creating the visual world of the campaign, from the print, lockup, and digital touchpoints, to the general All-American, unapologetic wholesomeness that comes through in the type treatment.

Since its launch, Snyder's of Hanover pretzels had a 6% increase in sales across their portolio (year on year) and a 2 point increase in market share.

It also roped in a 2017 integrated campaign Gold Clio award.

(CD: Ian Reichenthal / CW: Mark Bielik / AD: Ross Fletcher / Designer: Jonathan Moran)




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